I posted the following on Facebook yesterday. I believe that the current proposals need to be significantly revamped and any final proposals should be submitted to a ratification vote by all cottage owners on the lake. This should be done next summer when cottage owners can be properly contacted.
I (Vaughn) was unfortunately unable to attend the MLCA annual general meeting on Saturday as I was self isolating.
I understand that there was some discussion about the proposed lake plan and that there will a special meeting Saturday morning, August 27 to more fully discuss the topic.
I understand that the point was made that the MCLA represents only about half the cottage owners on the lake and at the very least 51% of all owners should have to approve any submission to the Town of Gravenhurst.
Given the profound impact on the current rights of cottage owners to expand or rebuild as well as the potential negative impact on resale values, the approval threshold should appropriately be 60% or possibly 70%.
Owners of smaller cottages within 30 metres of the water get particularly hard hit by the proposals. The majority of cottages are in this category.
An example of the impact would be a cottage owner under 15 metres from the water could not expand beyond a total end result of 1,000 square feet. Currently the limit is 13% of lot coverage for all buildings 60 metres from the water. For a 150 foot lake frontage that works out to 3837.6 square feet ( there are width limits and no closer to the lake )
Cottage owners may well want to step up and be counted on this impactful topic.
Vaughn Hibbits
1751 North Muldrew Lake