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Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser

January 13, 2019 5:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Fellow cottagers John and Joanne Twist will be participating in a fund raiser called Coldest Night of the Year, a nation-wide event on February 23, 2019.  They are raising money locally for G.A.P. (Gravenhurst Against Poverty), a local organization established to help hungry, homeless, and hurting families in our community.

This is a very important cause for John and Joanne.  Joanne is currently chairing the GAP committee, and her tenure on the Gravenhurst Women's Centre Board gave her further insights into the plight of the poor in our town.  There is a rich Muskoka, and there is a very poor Muskoka.
The latter is often hidden from sight, but it is there.

At 4 pm on the 23rd I will be walking in the cold for an hour or so, and need your assistance..
The Twist's need 2 things:

1. Walkers to accompany them and be part of the "Dewdroppers" team; and

2. Donations.
If you want to be part of the team, or know anyone else who might be
interested, please let them know. Or go on the website (, go to
their page, click on the "join" button, and sign up.

If you want to contribute, you have several choices:
a. mail in some money - mail a cheque, made out to Coldest Night of the Year (626 Dewdrop Lane, Gravenhurst, P1P1R2)

 b. go on the website and follow the instructions.

Thank you for reading my email, and, hopefully, getting involved.

Team Captain, "The Dewdroppers"

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