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Our 3rd Annual Silent Auction Begins Saturday July 11th at Noon

July 10, 2020 2:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Hello fellow cottagers:

During this time of social distancing, we’re doing things a bit differently as many organizations are.

We’ll be continuing our Annual Silent Auction Fundraiser but bringing the event online.  You’ll still be able to bid on some of the community favourite items you’ve come to love, and we’ll be bringing some new items to our list of generous donations this year. 

We’ve already secured a Muskoka Bay Resort Four-Some golf package; a Muskoka Brewery Dockside Draught package; along with some cool experiences like an Adult Dining Experience for 6 at the Riddell’s Cozy Cottage near Indian Landing; property maintenance service with Two Men a Tractor and a Chainsaw for those in need; and even a COVID friendly private Iyengar Yoga package for up to two participants including three classes right on your dock or deck for those needing to fill that fitness gap we're suffering from. 

We’ll be launching the online store on Saturday July 11th at noon and it will remain open 24hrs a day through to August 1st at noon.   New items will be added throughout the 3 weeks of bidding to make things more exciting even if we can’t come together, so be sure and come check the online store regularly.

This year, proceeds from the funds raised will be put towards our Muldrew Lakes Plan fund while also helping support our friends at GAP (Gravenhurst Against Poverty) who need our support more than ever this year.

More donations are always welcome, so if you have a great item or needed service to put towards the cause, please contact us at

Stay Tuned for more details on our Facebook page and look for our Auction landing page and Online store at Saturday.

For more information about the Muldrew Lakes Lake Plan please visit and visit the Lake Plan tab.

For more information about GAP please click here.


Your MLCA Silent Auction Team

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