Summer 2018 will be remembered as a perfect summer weather-wise: very few storms, warm days and nights and thankfully no boating accidents. This summer, too, saw a record number of young participants in the canoe lessons prior to the regatta.
Your board took some new initiatives this season:
1. Restore Your Shore:Under the direction of Sarah Bale, our lake Steward, the first ever “restore your shore“ planting took place. A work party of volunteers planted native plants (provided by the Watershed Council) at two cottage sites on Muldrew – a winning combination for both cottager and Muldrew shoreline quality and preservation. We hope to continue this program in the future if possible. We should add that this is a program funded by the Ontario Government and MLCA had to apply to participate.
2. Silent Auction and Bake Sale: On July 14th cottagers came together with treasures they wanted to purge at Memorial Pines. On personal note, my pies and Andrea Lukes gave Gravenhurst Bakery a run for the money! Funds in excess of $1,600.00 were raised. This money will used to for property maintenance at Muldrew owned properties (north, south lake landings and memorial pines)
3. MLCA 2018 Survey Results:Thank you to all that participated in the survey. This survey was geared toward lake use specifically and 132 respondents provided excellent feedback. The summary of all results can be found on the Muldrew Lake Website.
- Cottagers are very interested in “Community” events during the summer.
- 90% of respondents strongly agree with conducting a lake planning process (85 respondents are very interested in being involved!)
- 90% of respondents strongly agree with conducting a lake planning process (85 respondents are very interested in being involved!)
- 80% of respondents wish to receive communication via email. More members use FB page Muldrew my second home vs. the Muldrew FB page. Only 2% still wish hard copy communication.
- Respondents feel greatest value in membership is community events (regatta, fireworks, water quality, boating safety, landings)
- 63% think that using funds for appealing applications on properties was appropriate with membership knowledge
- 40% support fall and winter inspections… while 33% do not want them as part of membership
1. Looking forward to summer of 2019: Based on the support in the survey, the Board will strike a Lake Plan task force. MLCA Directors, Sarah Bale and Jessica Rohr, will work together to lead this task force. At present some government grants are being considered to help fund this project on Muldrew.
2. July 13th- Safe and Quiet Lakes: will be presenting results from a Muskoka-wide survey we participated in, on boating and safety practices. This event will take place at memorial pines along with another event we are cooking up. Watch for the Spring Newsletter for more details!
3. Bio Blitz: We are looking into a BIO BLITZ for the lake. It may be a one-day event or multiple afternoons possibly following canoe lessons. Please see spring newsletter for details.
4. Calendar: Please review the calendar below to save the date for Muldrew Events Summer 2019.
We are fortunate to have a local resident and MLCA board member, Joanne Twist, keeping the board informed regarding developments at town level. Joanne will continue to liaise with the Town on matters that concern us.
Our new mayor Paul Kelly is reaching out to all the lake associations to hear their concerns. He has developed a SWOT team to focus on Gravenhurst strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats. The results of the analysis formed part of an information package for Town Staff and the new council. Here is a summary. In each case, (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats – SWOT) it came from the feedback of the lake associations.
Top four strengths:
- Beauty & Environment – water, trees, etc.
- Muskoka Regional Centre property
- Location
- Heritage
Top four weaknesses:
- Senior staff runs the town
- Disconnect between Council and permanent/seasonal residents
- Irresponsible spending
- Lack of respect for the Official Plan
Top four opportunities identified were:
- Environment first with policy built into the Official Plan
- Muskoka Regional Centre Property
- Collaboration between Town and District, Town and Seasonal Residents and Town and Volunteer Groups
- Better Governance
Top Threats
- Staff running town not elected officials
- High density development in Muskoka e.g. Minett
- Taxes
- Inability to attract business due to lack of employees and housing and lack of living-wage jobs
Jo Morphy is the councillor for Ward 2 and Stephen Klinck for Ward 3.
Garbage bins at north and south lake landing for “island users and properties with no garbage collection only “is becoming a large concern as there seem to be many items just left by the side of the road. I would not be surprised if the bins were removed. If that happens, we will all need to go to the dump in the future.
Loon sightings this summer were abundant. At one point there was a gathering (gaggle) of six swimming together.
Sadly the Muldrew community lost Rev. Don Gillies this past fall. Past president of the board for years, long-time preacher at Memorial Pines, sounding board and counsel of all that is good – a dear friend who will be missed by us all.
I sign off wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and healthy, happy New Year. IF you love the lake, (and who doesn’t?) GET INVOLVED. It is the best way to meet the awesome community of people we are a part of on Muldrew. Please email me or call me anytime 416-550-6922. Better yet drop by cottage 2MM15 (the island across from Peck’s Landing).
Janet Kincaid
Save the Dates
Membership Renewal starts
May 1, 2018
Early bird deal on Membership ends
May 31st2019
Last date for early bird membership
June 1, 2018
Dock Drop delivery
June 16th to 25th2018
June 29th2019
Worship Service – 1stone of the year
June 30th2019
Fireworks rain date
June 30th2019
Canoe Canada Day
Mon., July 1st 2019
Bugs in the Mud
Early July - exact date TBA
Worship Service
July 7th2019
Publication Deadline for nominations to Board
July 12th2019
Safe Quiet Lakes Event @ Memorial Pines (kids & adults TBD)
July 13th2019
Worship Service
July 14th2019
Worship Services
July 21th, 2019
Canoe Lessons
July 22nd -25th, 2019
Swim and Canoe Regatta
July 27th2019
Worship Service
July 28th2019
Swim and Canoe Regatta Rain date
July 30th – 1 pm
Bugs in the Mud
Late July - exact date TBA
Worship Service
August 4th 20189
Sailing Regatta
August 10rd 2019
August 10th, 2019
Sailing Regatta rain date
August 11th h, 2019 – 1 pm
Worship Service
August 11th 2019
Worship Service
August 18th 2019
Worship Service
August 25th 2019
Fall board meeting
September 21st 2019